Tuesday, August 3, 2010


As promised, here are the variety of flowers we saw while on our hike around Phelps Lake last week.  First, the Indian paintbrush, the Wyoming state flower.  How many of you know the state flower where you live?

Since we are not naturalists, botonists or biologists, we will not attempt to identify any of the remaining pictures.  We will say that the variety of flowers along the trail around Phelps Lake was spectacular.  The views were almost like having an artist's palette in front of us.

 These daisies are actually lavendar, but the lavendar doesn't show in the photo - who knows why?

I called these bluebells although the hue in the photo is not as rich as in real life.

These purple flowers were brighter in person as well.

These white bells that almost form a perfect geometric shape.

These yellow flowers looked like they were about to strike, similar to a poisonous snake.

Last but not least, the famous huckelberries, one of a bear's favorite foods.

1 comment:

  1. The state flower of Texas is the bluebonnet. I knew that because Amelia told me (I googled it later and was pleased to discover that Amelia is right).

    I enjoyed this post on the flowers. You should go on the hike that Scott and I went on the day you watched the kids. There were tons of wildflowers along that route.
