Tuesday, August 10, 2010


We spent our first day off last week visiting some co-workers, Dick and Sheri, at Colter Bay in the afternoon and evening.  They have a 24 ft. motorboat and were nice to offer us a custom tour.  We cruised Jackson Lake for over 2 hours with them, enjoying the scenery up close and personal.  Dick and Sheri live in Rock Springs, which is about 3 hours south of Jackson, and they have vacationed in GTNP and surrounding areas quite often.  Sheri said she learned to water ski on Jackson Lake wearing a wet suit, as the water was about 50 degrees. 

After touring the lake, we went to the Buffalo Cafe for dinner.  The Buffalo Cafe is located just off the road from Moran to Dubois heading east from GTNP.  The Buffalo Cafe is a small "hole-in-the-wall" place we would have never found on our own.  We enjoyed our dinner on an enclosed porch with great views of Buffalo Creek, the horse training area in the meadow and mountains.  After dinner we took a ride to other areas of the forest where they snowmobile in the winter time.  Dick did say the temps can get down to minus 20 or more in these remote areas.  

We regret there are no photos of this great day due to technical difficulties with the camera.

The weather was rainy during our 2nd day off so we spent the afternoon in town catching up with e-mail, writing the blog, and grocery shopping.  You don't realize how much you miss high-speed internet until you have to do without.  The Sprint Aircard works most of the time in the RV but sometimes very very very (3-"verys" for emphasis) slowly.  Like the satellite dish, it is dependent on atmospheric conditions. 

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