Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Early Sunday morning, we were leaving the small campsite area where our RV is situated  to open the store.  In front of us as we began to leave was this adult female moose.  The light at 6:55 am was not very good so these pictures are a bit dark.  You can see various RV's in the background which are located in one of the public camping loops near the campground entrance.  We were able to get within about 30 yards of the moose.  The moose was more interested in eating than posing for pictures.

Food was in the form of the tall grasses and shrubs that thrive between the campsites.

The brush the moose is munching on is several feet tall, the sage is about 15 inches high.  The moose was about the size of a large horse.

As the moose continuted to eat, she began moving away.  How can you tell the moose is a female?  Remember, this is now August (antlers are shed in the spring) and this moose has no antlers.

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