Monday, May 10, 2010


Most of you know I like to be accurate in what I say/write.  I mistakenly called the bison we have seen every day "buffalo".  Upon further review:
What is the difference between bison and buffalo?

'Buffalo' is the popular name often used to describe North American bison; however, this is a misnomer. In fact, buffalo are distinctly different animals from bison. Although both bison and buffalo belong to the same family, Bovidae, true 'buffalo' are native only to Africa and Asia.

You now have your fact for the day.

Orientation today consisted of an overview of the Grand Teton Lodge Company, a company under Vail Resorts.  This was somewhat painless after having presented over 50 workshops a year.  The various presenters, a VP, Health and Safety Director, and the Director of Retail made the topics as interesting as possible.  We will be trying to make every guest have "An experience of a lifetime."  This phrase was drilled into us repeatedly during the 2-hour presentation.  We completed registration by being photographed for our ID badges and picking up our work jackets.  Neither of us broke the camera. 

The remainder of the week will be spent cleaning and stocking the store with vendor deliveries beginning on Wednesday.  The Jenny Lake Store opens on Saturday.  


  1. I was a bit worried about you taking an ID picture Paul, but glad it turned out okay! Thanks for the genius and species lesson on buffalo!

  2. Amelia wants to know if you stock slim jims in the store. John wants to know if you sell slurpees in your store. Can you tell that they enjoy the occasional trip to 7-11 with their dad?

  3. sure glad you cleared up the bison thing... just write BIG hairy things... headed to Port St Lucie next Tuesday... YOU will be missed!! Glad all is going well... the pictures are AMAZING GOOD!!!
