Tuesday, July 27, 2010


We were delayed on our trip to the Rockefeller Preserve by a herd of bison which have returned to the road that goes by our campground.  Notice how the bison follow each other in line as they wander towards the Gros Ventre River for a drink of water.  Where one goes, many seem to follow..  Does this remind you of elementary school going to recess or the lunchroom?

This visit to the Rockefeller Preserve was to hike around Phelps Lake.  We were treated to many great views of the mountains (we never tire of this) as well as many kinds of flowers in full bloom (which will be a separate post).  We took several pictures of the mountains relflecting in the calm waters of Phelps Lake.

Notice how there is very little snow left on the mountains.

The Preserve is full of lodgepole pine trees.  These trees lose their lower branches as they grow upwards towards the sky.  Lodgepole pine trees can grow to heights over 50 feet tall.  Other varieties of trees include spruce (mostly known as Christmas trees), quaking aspen and some fir trees higher up the mountain sides.  When we were walking among the spruce trees, it smelled like a Christmas tree lot.

The water is very clear as shown in this picture.  Most of the water is from snow melt up in the mountains while some is from springs along the lake bottom. 

Death Canyon is on the northern side of the lake.  Here is a view from a huge boulder along the edge of the lake. 

This view of Death Canyon is from the southern side of the lake.  Here you can really see the contrast between the heavily wooded mountains and the ruggedness of Death Canyon.

We completed the 9+ mile hike in time to get to happy hour at Snake River Brewing Company.  The beer today was well earned!

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