Thursday, September 30, 2010


Here is a rundown of the trip out west to Jackson Hole and trip back to Florida.  The trip out was 2532 miles with several stops to see friends (Crestview, FL and New Iberia, LA) and relatives (Dallas).  The trip back was 2335 miles with the difference primarily being taking a more northern route east from Shreveport, LA to Montgomery, AL and then south into Florida.  We didn't have time to visit enroute on the way home other than 1 day in Dallas to see daughter Wendy and her family.  Coming back we did miss the bumpy roads (yea right) in Louisiana, especially along I-10.  

In Dallas we did experience the "Boulevard" which is the SMU tailgating extravaganza before football games.  Despite not having a good team for many years (June Jones is bringing SMU football back), one of the things that SMU students know how to do well is tailgate.  A large area centered around the main drive through campus is blocked off from traffic on game day, and student and academic organizations set up tailgating tents for a giant pre-game party.  Students and fans throw elaborate parties with lots of food and drinks, and the people watching is bunches of fun. The students get dressed up for games (think cowboy boots and sundresses for the girls) and it's fun to watch all of the little kids wearing SMU gear and throwing footballs on the lawn. The business school sponsors its own tailgate, which Wendy and family have attended for years.  For this game, the nice spread was catered by Friday's with ample iced beverages as well as mixed drinks.  

About a half hour before game time the band and cheerleaders march in a parade towards the stadium (see below). You can barely make out a few tailgating tents behind the band.  The only downside was that the temperature was in the mid-90's with no air moving.

The best part of our Dallas visit was time spent with family.  Here Wendy is cutting a special cake (with cherry icing) while Amelia and John look on.


We averaged 7.4 mpg going west and 7.2 mpg returning to Florida with our motorhome.  We attribute this small difference to having to use the air conditioning in the motorhome most of the trip eastbound due to the warmer September weather as compared to the cooler weather in the spring.  Another interesting fact is the cost of gasoline was at least 10 cents per gallon cheaper at all stops coming eastbound; we actually got gas at many of the same stations both coming and going.  RV parks averaged about $30 per night for the entire trip.      


We had a significant reason for returning to Gainesville - the birth of our 4th grandchild, scheduled for September 17.   We arrived back in Florida on September 15th to the expected heat and humidity we had been avoiding all summer.  We were so glad to visit with a very pregnant daughter Laura, son-in-law John and 3 yr. old grandson Jack for dinner, as we hadn't seen them in nearly 5 months. 

One of the things we were not looking forward to on our return was our yard.  Normally covered only with pine bark nuggets, it was severely overgrown with knee-high weeds, forcing my schedule for the next few weeks to include many sessions of "on my knees" weeding.   

We were all set for the birth on September 17.  But we got a call from our daughter early that morning - she caught a stomach virus from son Jack, and her C-section was postponed until she was well enough to withstand the surgery.  Oh joy, two more days of pregnancy! 

Our new grandson was born on Sunday, Sept. 19.  Henry Luke weighed in at a hefty 9 pounds, 14 ounces at 9:14 am (easy to remember).  Chubby cheeks, dark hair for now and hungry from day 1.     

We have spent a lot of time with grandson Jack on the weekends to help entertain him with trips to various parks, stores, and the local pool while John and Laura get Henry acclimated to their home.  We also do puzzles and games, as well as watch Jack's favorite shows.

Ann has spent a lot of time helping feed and change Henry, who eats a lot and often.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


We had our last dinner in Jackson at - where else - Snake River Brewing Company.  The previous week we were given a tour of the brewery along with a sampling of the eight beers on tap.  Ann insisted on this picture to commemorate the evening.

On Tuesday, we headed back towards Dallas to spend the weekend with Wendy, Scott, Amelia and John.  We expect to be back in Gainesville in time for the birth of our 4th grandchild scheduled for September 17th.  


As the season winds down, we thought we would share some highs and lows of working in the Jenny Lake Store.  We have our share of international visitors from all over the world.  I have met guests from Australia, Japan, China, India, and all parts of Europe.  It is sometimes a challenge to verify the signature on a credit card receipt as evidenced by this credit card slip.

I have previously mentioned the hot dog machine.  In late June we received a second hot dog machine which we keep in the back of the store.  Each machine holds 18 quarter pound all beef hot dogs and there were some days when we still couldn't keep up with demand.  In early August, we had several days where we sold over 100 hot dogs.

A new item this year is smoothies or slushies.  We pour a liquid made from concentrate flavor juice into the machine and it will become a slushy overnight.  One night I filled the blueberry above the max fill line and overnight the ice pushed the cover off the top of the machine and some ice fell into the display of cowboy items on the left of the machine.  I helped Ann clean up the items covered in blue slushy before we opened the next morning. 

As the days have become shorter and fall temperatures have arrived, we sometimes see mule deer in the parking lot next to the store.  One night after we closed the store, we found these visitors who were enjoying the grass and shrubs.

We were challenged by Wyatt, Store Operations Manager, who hired us, to have a day with $10,000 in sales.  We achieved the goal in July and were rewarded with a pizza and beer party at Leek's.  Here are pictures of our crew starting with Wyatt and his wife, Isabella, who were celebrating their 6-month wedding aniversary as well as our good year.

Ron and Karen, store managers, who live in California and were in the RV site next to us at Gros Ventre Campground.

Dick and Sheri, our friends from Rock Springs, Wyoming, that we shared the boating trip on Jackson Lake and the drive along the Beartooth Highway.

Bob and Michelle from Bozeman, Montana.

Don and Elaine from Fort Worth, Texas.


Interesting questions we heard during the year include: 
  • Do you have chopsticks (to eat the Ramen noodle cups we sell)? 
  • Is there a lake here (did he wonder why the area is called Jenny Lake)? 
  • Where do they keep the animals at night (they are wild animals; this is not a zoo)? 
  • Where is the tram to the top of the mountain (there is a shuttle boat to the trailhead to Hidden Falls and Inspiration Point; the only tram is 10 miles away in Teton Village)? 
  • And finally, who did the landscaping (mother nature, this is a national park)?    


One of the unique things about the mornings in the Tetons is that the views are spectacular.  Recently we saw this bull moose no more than 10 yards from our RV.  Look at that moose's beard!

One morning as we were leaving for working the early shift, the Tetons had a pink glow but only for about 5 minutes as the sun was rising.  We took this photo, then moved up the road another few miles to take another picture, and the pink glow was gone in just one or two minutes!  We sell photos and magnets with the mountains looking pink - and now we know how they were photographed.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


As a fringe benefit, all GTLC (Grand Teton Lodge Company) employees are given a $15 gift certificate that can be used at specific dining establishments within the Park.  We had heard a lot of good things about the dining room at the Jackson Hole Golf and Tennis Club so we tried it for lunch on one of our recent days off.  We choose to be seated on the outdoor patio since it had warmed up to the low 70's.

Here is the view from the outdoor patio across the practice putting green and the driving range to the Teton Mountains.  This view shows the lushness of the golf course while hiding the ruggedness of the mountains themselves.

The meal was excellent and the service was good but the view was priceless.  Overall it was a nice outing prior to going into the town of Jackson for our weekly visit for groceries.


Last Monday we took a trip to Yellowstone Park with our co-worker friends Dick and Sheri.  They both know the area extremely well and wanted to show us the sites often missed by tourists.   Our first stop was at the Yellowstone Hotel which borders Yellowstone Lake for breakfast.  This is an historic building dating back to the early 1900's but is very similar in design to the Yacht and Beach Club at Walt Disney World.  There were old photos in the lobby of guests arriving by stagecoach and some of the early versions of the automobile.

We next stopped at Lower Yellowstone Falls where the temperature was a balmy 39 degrees (Dick's car has an outside temperature gauge) about 11:45 a.m.  A front came through the night before, giving us our first hint of fall. yet the date was August 23rd!  If you look closely at the rock sides of this canyon, you can see where this park gets it's name.  Along our drive we saw many bison as well as some deer and antelope.  We also saw two bears but they were too far away to get a picture.

We continued out the northeast entrance of Yellowstone to Red Lodge, Montana by way of the Beartooth Highway.  This 68 mile trip along the Beartooth Highway provided spectacular views of snow capped mountains, even in late August.  The Beartooth Highway is the highest elevation highway in the northern Rockies and took us up above the treeline where there was nothing but bare tundra.  The Highway is only open from late May until early October with possible temporary closures during the summer due to unpredictable weather (snow). 

We stopped at a rest area near the summit around 2 p.m. when the temperature was all the way up to 42 degrees.   The only wildlife here were some begging chipmunks looking for a handout.

Look how the roots of this tree are sticking out through the rock.

We drove back west across Montana to the north entrance of Yellowstone, almost completing a full loop through and around the park.  There was an abundance of fly fishing camps/cabins along the Yellowstone River.  Just inside Yellowstone, we encountered a herd of mountain sheep along a rocky hillside.  Unfortunately, there was no place to pull off the road for a picture, as there was no shoulder and a steep drop down to the Yellowstone River.

We stopped for dinner at Mammoth, the Yellowstone Headquarters.  Mammoth contains several nice green squares with large homes for NPS management and the Mammoth Hotel surrounding this green area.  When we arrived, there were three large elk grassing on the grass.

After dinner we continued our drive south through Yellowstone and back to our campsite.  During different parts of our drive through Yellowstone, we saw evidence of the very large fire that destroyed about 2/3 of Yellowstone back in 1988.  The new trees were about 6 to 8 feet tall and there were still many burnt tree trunks still standing.  This is another sign of how mother nature re-creates itself.  The seedlings are fed by the nutrients in the burnt soil, watered by rain and melting snow and grow in the sunshine of the summer.  

It was nice to see some different scenery but we still prefer the jagged peaks of the Tetons over the gentle mountains in Yellowstone.